About Clinton and This Site

Hello, and welcome to my personal website!

I am Clinton Bradford, a mathematician, project manager, and computer programmer. I earned a PhD in mathematics from Purdue University in Spring 2021 for research in factoring algorithms and the arithmetic of quadratic forms. At Purdue, I worked as a software developer, educational technologist, and team lead.

Some of my personal interests include science communication, board games, computer assisted design and manufacturing, woodworking, hiking, human-computer interface, and sustainable living. This website is mainly for collecting post-mortems, designs, and in-progress write ups along those interests.

As a particular hobby, I collect information about impactful science museum exhibits and educational demonstrations. If there is an exhibit from your childhood that resonated with you, I'd love to hear about it - you can reach out to me via LinkedIn, or by email at ClintonBradford AT gmail.com .

Some of my favorite projects on the internet are Applied Science, RED Gardens Project, Technology Connections, XKCD, Three Blue One Brown, Hark! A Vagrant, and ViHart. Check them out if you have a chance, they're worth your time.

The main body of this site was made with Pelican, a Python framework for static site blogging. Articles are written in Markdown and hosted by Github Pages. Many projects hosted at subdomains or other paths are created using Javascript, the React and Vue frameworks, and various web technologies including Firebase and AWS. Mathematical formatting for all projects is done via the excellent MathJax package, using either static generation for static pages or the Javascript renderer for dynamic pages.